Jeff Frost
A skilled guide at removing roadblocks for educators.

Chair and Advocate
His Mission
Dr. Jeff Frost is acutely aware that the funds allocated to his firm could pay for credentialing an educator or extra staff for classroom support. He knows his clients do amazing work with students and make a huge difference academically. That’s why he works tirelessly to remove any roadblocks in their way, due to statutory constraints or budget shortfalls, and finds ways to turn problems into assets.
That drive and passion comes from the fact that he is deeply connected to education. After completing his PhD, from Claremont Graduate School, Dr. Frost taught college for two years; an experience that instilled in him a deep understanding of the challenges and needs of public educators.
In 1987, he took that motivation into his first job as a legislative advocate for the California School Board Association. There, he lobbied on virtually every education issue and served as a primary spokesperson for the association with both the legislature and the Governor’s office. A few years later, Dr. Frost founded the Sacramento legislative advocacy firm of Frost Davis & Donnelly. The group specialized in advocacy for education associations, school districts and corporations with a direct interest in public education issues. His firm worked directly with state agencies on behalf of clients including the California Department of Education, the State Board of Education and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Along the way Jeff earned a reputation for foreseeing legislative outcomes in advance of the state budget process, and for his resulting ability to help clients better develop their local budgets.
What Clients Love
Jeff anticipates what’s going to happen with a bill or the legislature before it actually happens, so he can prepare clients for what’s on the horizon.
See firsthand how the Ball/Frost Group helped The Orange County Department of Education overcome a challenge in their district.
And while you’re exploring, get to know Laura Wasco.